Safe Equipment For Rigid and Artic With Photos

Driving Lessons

Every Rigid and Artic truck on the road must be equipped with essential safety gear to ensure compliance with regulations and enhance road safety. This includes:

Truck Safety Equipment Powder - Epic Driving School

Fire Extinguisher

Required for handling small fires in case of emergencies.

Truck Safety Equipment red warning triangle - Epic Driving School

Warning Triangle

Must be placed on the road in case of a breakdown to alert other drivers.

Truck Safety Equipment First Aid Kit - Epic Driving School

First aid kit

Essential for treating minor injuries on the road.

Truck Safety Equipment High visibility vest - Epic Driving School

High-Visibility Vest

Ensures the driver is visible in case of breakdowns or roadside stops

Truck Safety Equipment Wheel Chocks - Epic Driving School

Wheel Chocks

Prevents the truck from rolling when parked on inclines.

Truck Safety Equipment Road cones - Epic Driving School

Road cones

Having extra cones can be beneficial, especially for larger vehicles like artic trucks, where visibility is crucial for other road users.

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